Nelson Vergel

Nelson Vergel

Nelson Vergel is a chemical engineer who started his search for cutting-edge health knowledge when he was diagnosed with HIV over 30 years ago. Instead of giving into the hopelessness of the deadly diagnosis, he pushed himself to explore therapies to combat wasting syndrome to save his life and those of his peers. He reviewed medical literature and attended numerous health conferences, eventually becoming an advocate member in the National Health Institute (NIH), pharmaceutical research committees, and FDA review panels. To spread survival knowledge, he has given health-related lectures, providing over 700 of them since 1987. Nelson has created popular health forums with over 55,000 members, a health podcast , numerous videos, and has networked with many progressive clinicians. He has been a speaker for 14 pharmaceutical companies on hormones, side effect management, and healthy aging. Among his publications, he is the author of “Testosterone: A Man’s Guide” and co-author of the book “Built to Survive”; the founder of the nonprofit organizations Body Positive Wellness Clinic and Program for Wellness Restoration in Houston; and the aging expert at, one of his latest projects, is quickly becoming a leader among information exchange platforms for men’s health. To remove barriers for self-monitoring, Nelson created to provide low-cost blood tests to people in most of the United States.


  1. Uncovering the Truth: What an Anemia Panel Can Tell You

    Categories: Fatigue Blood Tests
    Numerous factors can contribute to anemia, which is a condition that affects many people. An anemia
  2. High Liver Enzymes: How to Optimize the Health of Your Liver

    Categories: CMP test panel, liver tests, Meaning of low and high lab test values, Hepatic Function Panel
      The liver is the most important organ of detoxification in the human body, and it's so vital
  3. Cardio IQ Advanced Lipid Panel: Best Heart Disease Predictor

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    An Advanced Lipid Panel is a comprehensive test that goes beyond the standard lipid panel to provide
  4. The Top 18 Health Tests that Physicians Use

    Categories: Thyroid Lab Tests, TSH Thyroid Test, Thyroid Tests, Vitamin Blood Tests, Inflammation Tests, lab tests for women, complete lab test panel, Men's Health Lab Tests, Annual Physical Tests
    Many people ask themselves: What are the top health tests that doctors use to diagnose the most
  5. Accurate Estradiol Testing: Key to Hormone Balance

    Categories: Estradiol Test, Estradiol Estrogen Tests for Men, lab tests for women, Hormone Blood & Lab Tests, Women's Hormone Tests, Men's Health Lab Tests
    Accurate estradiol testing is of great importance for both genders in order to preserve optimal heal
  6. Achieve a Natural Testosterone Boost with These Tips

    Categories: Testosterone Tests, Natural Testosterone
      Discovering natural testosterone boost methods can significantly impact your overall health
  7. Vitamin D and Testosterone: Is There a Link?

    Categories: Testosterone Tests, Natural Testosterone, Vitamin Blood Tests
    When it comes to vitamin D testosterone, the relationship between these two essential factors in our
  8. Bodybuilder Blood Test Panel

    Categories: Bodybuilder lab tests, Men's Health Lab Tests, Bodybuilder Blood Work, Discount Lab Tests
    Bodybuilders who take testosterone and anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) must be smart about maximi
  9. Discounted Labs: Where to Get Labs Done with No Doctor Visit

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  10. SHBG and Free Testosterone - Everything You Need to Know

    Categories: Testosterone Tests, Libido Options for Men, Testosterone Side Effect Management, Testosterone Blood Tests, TRT Blood Tests, Testosterone Lab Tests, TRT Testing, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin SHBG Test, Erectile Dysfunction Lab Tests, Bodybuilder lab tests
    Table of Contents Testosterone Fractions in Men How SHBG Influences Free Testosterone What Fa
  11. Does Your Body Make Enough Glutathione?

    Categories: Vitamin Blood Tests
    The Glutathione Blood Test: The glutathione blood test still isn’t a standard testing procedur
  12. Homocysteine Blood Test - Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

    Categories: Heart Disease Blood Tests, Inflammation Tests
    The human body requires no less than 20 amino acids to function properly. As you probably already kn
  13. CPK Levels, Your Muscles and Heart

    Categories: Inflammation Tests, CPK Levels
    If you're here, chances are you've heard about CPK levels and their significance in the body. In thi
  14. Best Free Testosterone Book : Beyond Testosterone

    Categories: Testosterone Tests, HCG Use in Men, Testosterone Side Effect Management, Testosterone Blood Tests, TRT Blood Tests, Testosterone Lab Tests, Testosterone TRT Forums, Erectile Dysfunction Lab Tests, Testosterone Book
    Table of Contents The Best Illustrated Testosterone Book Available for Download Beyond Testost
  15. Should I Use a DHT Blocker?

    Categories: Testosterone Tests, Testosterone Side Effect Management, TRT Side Effects, Testosterone Blood Tests, TRT Blood Tests, Testosterone Lab Tests, TRT Testing, Testosterone Replacement Monitoring Tests, Lab Test Descriptions, Erectile Dysfunction Lab Tests, Erectile Dysfunction, Meaning of low and high lab test values
    Except for estradiol, no hormone is more misunderstood than dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. Many men fe