Lipid (Cholesterol) Panel (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides)


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Lipid Profile: Evaluates the risk for developing atherosclerosis (arterial plaque) and coronary heart disease. This test includes: Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides ,HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio. FASTING REQUIRED.

The lipid panel is used to determine the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis (also known as arterial plaque). This test measures things like total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol.

For this test, you need to abstain from food (only water) for 8 hours.



A lipid panel is an essential diagnostic tool that provides crucial information about your cardiovascular health. This comprehensive blood test measures various types of fat in your bloodstream, helping to identify potential risks for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of a standard lipid panel and provide an in-depth analysis of its components, interpretation of results, and advantages associated with regular testing.

Throughout this article, you'll learn how to interpret your lipid panel results and discover the benefits associated with regular testing. We will also discuss what's included in a typical lipid profile and provide guidance on how to prepare for the test effectively. Finally, we'll share valuable resources on obtaining affordable lipid panel tests through Discounted Labs.

With this understanding, you can gain power over your heart health by keeping an eye on and controlling your cholesterol levels more effectively.

Table of Contents:

Understand Your Lipid Panel Results

So, you got your lipid panel results back, and now you're wondering what the heck they mean? You can feel reassured that we have everything under control. The lipid panel is an essential blood analysis that assesses the levels of diverse fats present in your bloodstream, including cholesterol and triglycerides.  Here's what you need to know:

Components of a Lipid Panel

  • Total Cholesterol: This is the sum of all cholesterol types found in your blood. A desirable level is below 200 mg/dL.
  • HDL Cholesterol: Known as "good" cholesterol, higher levels of HDL are associated with lower risk for heart disease; aim for at least 60 mg/dL.
  • LDL Cholesterol: Low-density lipoprotein, or "bad" cholesterol, contributes to plaque buildup on artery walls, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It's important to keep LDL levels low—ideally under 100 mg/dL.
  • Triglycerides: The body uses these fats as a source of energy, but when they are present in excessive amounts, they can also cause cardiovascular problems. Aim for less than 150 mg/dL.

Risk Factors & Recommendations

Your doctor will consider various factors like age, family history, smoking habits, and blood pressure status while assessing your lipid panel results before providing personalized recommendations based on guidelines such as those provided by the American Heart Association (AHA). However, some general guidelines include:

  • If your total cholesterol is between 200 and 239 mg/dL or your LDL cholesterol is between 130 and 159 mg/dL, you may be at borderline risk for heart disease.
  • When total cholesterol exceeds 240 mg/dL or LDL levels are above 160 mg/dL, the risk of developing heart disease significantly increases.

It is likewise crucial to look at the proportion of HDL to total cholesterol. A higher ratio indicates a lower risk of heart problems. To calculate this ratio, divide your total cholesterol by your HDL level; a desirable result would be below five (Mayo Clinic).

Next Steps after Receiving Your Results

If your lipid panel results indicate that you're at increased risk for cardiovascular issues, don't panic. Take proactive steps to improve your health, such as changing your diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking if applicable, managing stress levels effectively, and maintaining a healthy body weight. Consider making lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthier diet rich in fruits and veggies while reducing saturated fat intake, exercising regularly, quitting smoking if applicable, managing stress levels effectively, and maintaining a healthy body weight. Additionally, consult with healthcare professionals who can provide guidance on medication options if necessary.

Key Takeaway: 

The lipid panel is a blood test that measures the levels of different types of fats in your bloodstream, including cholesterol and triglycerides. The panel includes total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol (good), LDL cholesterol (bad), and triglycerides. If you're at an increased risk for cardiovascular issues based on your results, consider making lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthier diet rich in fruits and veggies while reducing saturated fat intake, exercising regularly, quitting smoking if applicable, managing stress levels effectively, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Benefits of a Lipid Panel Test

Take proactive measures now to safeguard your health and wellbeing. A lipid panel test is a simple blood test that can provide valuable information about your cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health. Here are some of the benefits of getting a lipid panel test:

Early Detection of Cardiovascular Risks

By getting a lipid panel test, you can detect potential risks early and take steps to protect your cardiovascular health, providing invaluable insight into the future of your wellbeing. It's like having a crystal ball for your health.

Monitoring Treatment Progress

If you're already taking medication to manage your cholesterol, regular lipid panel tests can help you and your healthcare provider monitor the effectiveness of your treatment plan. It's like having a personal cheerleader cheering you on.

Guiding Lifestyle Changes

Your lipid panel results can serve as a valuable tool for guiding lifestyle changes aimed at improving overall health. It's like having a personal coach help you make healthy choices.

Don't put off taking care of your health any longer. Discounted Labs offers affordable options for lipid panel tests, so there's no excuse not to take control of your well-being today. Click here to learn more.

Key Takeaway: 

A lipid panel test is a simple blood test that can provide valuable information about your cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health. It helps in the early detection of potential risks, monitoring treatment progress, assessing overall health status, and guiding lifestyle changes aimed at improving overall health. Discounted Labs offers affordable options for lipid panel tests to take control of your well-being today.

What's in a Lipid Panel?

A lipid panel, otherwise referred to as a lipoprotein profile or lipid profile, is a blood test that evaluates the concentrations of various types of fats (lipids) in your bloodstream. These measurements can help assess your risk for heart disease and other health issues related to high cholesterol levels. Let's dive into the components of a lipid panel test and what each component measures.

Total Cholesterol

The total cholesterol measurement includes all the different types of cholesterol found in your blood. This figure offers a broad indication of the amount of cholesterol flowing in your blood, but it does not show any particulars regarding particular sorts of cholesterol like LDL ("bad") or HDL ("good"). High total cholesterol levels may pose a greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol

LDL cholesterol, plaque buildup on artery walls due to LDL cholesterol, also known as "bad" cholesterol, pose a serious risk for arterial narrowing or blockage over time. This can increase the likelihood of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.

High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol

HDL cholesterol, commonly called "good" cholesterol, helps remove LDL cholesterol from your bloodstream and carries it back to the liver for disposal. Higher HDL blood levels are associated with a lower risk of heart disease.


Triglycerides are another type of fat found in your blood that can contribute to the hardening or narrowing of arteries if present in high amounts. High levels of triglycerides may boost the chance of heart disease, notably when combined with reduced HDL or elevated LDL cholesterol levels.

Non-HDL Cholesterol

This measurement is calculated by subtracting your HDL cholesterol level from your total cholesterol level. Non-HDL cholesterol includes all other types of circulating cholesterol (such as LDL) that can potentially contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries. Some healthcare providers consider non-HDL cholesterol an important marker for cardiovascular risk assessment, particularly in individuals with elevated triglyceride levels.

Some tests of lipid composition include measurements such as ApoB, Lp(a), and small, dense LDL particles, which can help give a better understanding of particular types of lipids linked with heart disease risk factors.

At Discounted Labs, our lipid panel test provides accurate results at affordable prices, so you can take control of your health without breaking the bank. Stay informed about your lipid profile and make informed decisions regarding diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes necessary for maintaining optimal cardiovascular health.

How to Prepare for a Lipid Panel Test

A lipid panel test is crucial for assessing your cholesterol levels and overall heart health. To ensure accurate results, it's essential to prepare for the test by following specific guidelines. Let's discuss how to prepare for a lipid panel test, including dietary restrictions and fasting requirements.

Dietary Restrictions

Before taking a lipid panel test, avoid consuming foods that can affect your cholesterol levels. Choosing foods high in trans and saturated fats may have undesirable effects on our overall well-being. Such foods can promote negative changes, such as raising LDL, or "bad" cholesterol. While reducing the presence of HDL, or "good" cholesterol.So, say no to:

  • Fried foods
  • Fatty cuts of meat
  • Processed meats like hot dogs and sausages
  • Baked goods made with hydrogenated oils or shortening
  • Cream-based sauces and dressings

Instead, focus on incorporating heart-healthy options into your diet leading up to the test, such as:

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which can help lower bad cholesterol levels, include:
    • Broccoli
    • Brussels sprouts
    • Apples
    • Pears
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon or mackerel
  • Nuts such as almonds or walnuts
  • Use olive oil instead of butter when cooking

Fasting Requirements

Most lipid panel tests require fasting for 9–12 hours before the test. So, schedule your test for the morning and avoid eating or drinking anything except water after dinner the night before. Remember, accurate results depend on proper preparation.

Get Affordable Lipid Panel Tests with Discounted Labs

Don't let high costs stop you from taking control of your health. With Discounted Labs, you can get an accurate assessment of your cholesterol levels without breaking the bank.

Affordable Pricing

At Discounted Labs, they believe that everyone should have access to affordable healthcare services, including lab testing. That's why they offer competitive pricing on all their tests, including lipid panels.

No Doctor's Visit Required

Save time and money by not having to schedule an appointment with your physician just to order a lipid panel test. With Discounted Labs, you don't need a doctor's visit or prescription to order a test.

Convenient Locations Across the U.S.

With over 1,800 patient service centers across most cities in the United States (except New York), finding a convenient location for your lab test is easy. Simply purchase your test online and locate the nearest patient service center using their online search tool.

How It Works:

  1. Purchase your test: Choose from various available options, like the Basic Lipid Panel or Comprehensive Metabolic Panel + Lipids, depending on what suits your needs best.
  2. Find a Lab Near You: Locate the nearest patient service center using their online search tool and choose the most convenient location for you.
  3. Get Tested: Bring your lab requisition form (emailed after purchase) to the chosen patient service center, where they will collect a blood sample for testing. No appointment is necessary.
  4. Receive Your Results: Within a few working days, you will be sent an email with the outcomes of your examination through Discounted Labs' secure entryway.

Discounted Labs also offers various other health-related tests, such as hormone panels, thyroid function tests, vitamin deficiency assessments, and more. By providing affordable and accessible lab testing options without compromising on quality or accuracy of results, Discounted Labs empowers individuals to take proactive charge of their health.

If you're interested in getting regular lipid panel tests or any other type of lab work done at discounted prices without sacrificing convenience or quality care, visit today.

Key Takeaway: 

Discounted Labs offers affordable lipid panel tests without the need for a doctor's visit. With over 1,800 patient service centers across most cities in the United States (except New York, NJ, AZ, RI), you can conveniently purchase your test online and locate the nearest patient service center using their online search tool.

FAQs in Related to Lipid Panel

The Lowdown on Lipid Panels

A lipid panel measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels to assess your risk for heart disease and stroke.

The four major results of a lipid panel are total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Physicians order lipid panels to evaluate cardiovascular disease risk, monitor existing conditions, and gauge treatment effectiveness.

The four categories in a lipid panel are total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Each category plays a different role in your overall cardiovascular health and risk assessment.

Stay informed and learn more about lipid panels here.


At Discounted Labs, we offer affordable lipid panel tests that are easy to order online. Don't wait until it's too late to take control of your health!

Preparing for a lipid panel test is important to ensure accurate results; learn what's included and how to prepare.

Improving your overall wellness starts with knowing your cholesterol levels. Get tested today and take the first step.

Don't let high cholesterol catch you off guard; identify potential risks with a lipid panel test from Discounted Labs.

Take charge of your health with an affordable lipid panel test from Discounted Labs—order online now!

Stay ahead of heart disease by monitoring your cholesterol levels. Get tested with Discounted Labs and take control of your health.

Don't let high cholesterol go unnoticed; get tested with Discounted Labs and start making positive changes to your health.

Knowledge is power when it comes to your health; order a lipid panel test from Discounted Labs and stay informed.

Take the first step towards a healthier you with a lipid panel test from Discounted Labs—it's easy, affordable, and convenient. You can also choose to buy an advanced lipid panel test called Cardio-IQ.


  1. Go to the "Find a Location" page to find the closest lab location. No need to make an appointment since walk-ins are welcomed. Once you have identified your closest location, go to step 2.

  2. Go to "Choose a Test" and add your selection (s) in the shopping cart. If you prefer to save money on bundled tests, we have created "Lab Test Panels" that can help you decide what to order.

  3. If you have a discount coupon code, add it to your cart.

  4. A $8 lab processing fee will be added to your total.

  5. Pay using a credit card.

  6. You will receive an order confirmation and instructions email on how to download your lab request.

  7. Print lab request form that you downloaded.

  8. Take that form to the closest location. Get your blood drawn.

  9. You will receive an email when the results are ready for you to download.

    Note: You cannot place an order under someone else's profile. The profile person's name will appear on the lab order form.


    If you have further questions, please email [email protected].

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